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HR services

HR services

We are a company that can offer you a lot. We are able to provide you with a permanent presence of our employee at your branch. He will be at the heart of the action and participate in your meetings. The great advantage is that this way you always have our person on hand and understands your business perfectly.In addition to HR, we are also your partner in other fields. We will provide you with the services of a professional team in the areas of Payroll, IT, marketing and more.

Onsite solution

We are able to provide you with a permanent presence of our employee at your branch. He will be at the heart of the action and will attend your meetings. The great advantage is that you always have a person on hand who understands your business.


Payroll is right for you if you don't want to keep payroll and HR records such as payroll, attendance, insurance, tax processing. Our team of specialists, controllers and payroll accountants will professionally take care of your finances and ensure payments and financial transactions run smoothly. Discretion is a matter of course.

HR training

We are HR professionals and can offer you education for your HR team, both on a regular and one-off basis. We have our own Elite Recruitment Training programme to train and develop your staff tailored to your needs.

HR marketing solution

We run campaigns on more than 15 marketing platforms to find suitable candidates. Thanks to hiring marketing and investment in candidate search advertising, we process around 195,000 responses from job seekers annually.

HR Interim management solutions

With our Interim Management service, we will supply you with an experienced manager for a pre-defined period of time when you are preparing major changes or need external help in solving the current need to manage a project.
In addition to managerial positions, we can also supply specialized staff for positions that are not currently available internally or you do not have the possibility of standard recruitment, for example, when it is impossible to increase the headcount.


If circumstances force you to reduce the number of employees, we can provide "Outplacement" to preserve your company's reputation. We will guide departing employees through the adverse situation and provide a full service and support in finding future employment as part of our HR consultancy.

Market scan & analysis

We provide our clients with salary and benefit surveys based on the current situation in the local market. We also provide internal employee satisfaction surveys prepared using tailor-made questionnaires. We also analyse all or part of the recruitment process on the client's side, from HR marketing to turnover. If for some reason recruitment is not going well, we are happy to look into it and suggest solutions.

HR services Manuvia

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